starting out with the real stuff

Today, with the help of Dr. Maarten de Smit, we have started out to reproduce the results of the Wilks article. At first, we’ll just grow out the bacteria they sent us so generously. We’ll store some for good, so we can always access it later. With the rest, we’ll try to replicate the results as they were published in the article.

Along with the TorA-GFPmut3* E. Coli strain, we’ll also maintain the bacteria that came as a result from the BIO-RAD kit I experimented with earlier. Additionally, we also put in non-fluorescent bacteria that is resistant to ampicillin, as a control. Well, more can never be a problem, can it 🙂

So today we’ve basically put some of the bacteria on plates, which were made of LB and ampicillin. Tomorrow we’ll see what grows out, and which one will glow eventually.

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