it can’t always work out

It seems that the experiments performed last week by Vincent van Rixel and Joeri Verasdonck didn’t really work out as expected.

Having exposed bacteria inside LB agar to 254nm UV light for 1, 10 and 100 minute durations – they still live. Whereas they should have died instead.

The other experiment revolved around plates with bacteria inside LB agar, left to grow at room temperature, first at room temperature and then put into the fridge 3 days later, or put in the fridge immediately. After 3 days, I dropped 5μl drops of arabinose on them so as to turn on the GFP-producing gene – but nothing happened.

So now I prepared some new plates, and also had one of the plates under 254nm UV light for an overnight time period. Let’s see if they work out…

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