Photobacterium Phosphoreum
- Posted by darkeye on September 6th, 2014 filed in experiments, log
- 1 Comment »
Yesterday I did some experiments with Photbacterium Phosphoreum, received kindly from Simon Park, I received two different batches, one simply labeled PP BH, the other PP LumA. I grew out two of each on agar plates, with the following ingredients for 4 plates, 80ml of Agar total:
- Nutrient Broth: 8g/1000ml -> 0.64g
- NaCl: 30g/1000ml -> 2.4g
- Glycerol: 10g/1000ml -> 0.8g
- CaCO3: 5g/1000ml -> 0.4g
- Agar: 15g/1000ml -> 1.2g
I also tried to create a liquid culture, where I botched the ratios and ended up with twice the liquid for the amount of ingredients.
The plates lit up overnight, the liquid culture didn’t. They are quite bright when compared to Vibrio Fischeri. Below are images with various ambient light and photo settings used to take them. other than cropping the first two images, no modification has been made. The two plates on the right left are the PP HB plates, the right ones are the PP LumA plates.

Photobacterium Phosphoreum,
1/2s, f/4, ISO 3200
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July 22nd, 2015 at 1:02 pm
[…] Photobacterium Phosphoreum […]